Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Avoid Hypnosis ?

For those of you who will return home during Eid please be careful and be smart to keep themselves from perpetrators by anesthesia.

Instantly you will not realize, and when you can wake up missing property taken away criminals.

Here are tips Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police Comr Baharudin Djafar so you do not become victims of anesthesia and hypnosis either going home or even while turning.

First, travelers should not be quick to believe the person who has not at all you know.

Second, during the drive back to my hometown, travelers have a lot of dhikr, not the road alone, and remind each other.

Third, do not easily accept food or beverage cans, because it could have food and drink had been poisoned.

Fourth, identify the perpetrators modes anesthesia. Perpetrators usually act in a crowded place travelers. The MO pretend to talk. Having felt familiar, the offender usually offer canned drinks or foods that have been sedated. After you drink it, you will become unconscious, then your property will be taken away the perpetrator.

Fifth, if there are people who know victims of anesthesia, immediately report it to the police station or to the nearest security post.

According, actor Baharudin anesthesia and hypnosis is an old player of action. So the mode actually can best knowledge.

"But there is a possibility too, faces new players emerge. To find out, of the perpetrators of anesthesia should be arrested first," explained Baharudin.

Based on data collected, the case of premises to anesthetize korbanya crime last time occurred at Tanjungpriok. Two porters who want home to Indramayu knocked unconscious after drinking coffee mixed with sleeping pills as the culprit.

Click here for learning hypnosis

How to perform hypnosis ?

Definition: Hypnosis is one branch of magic that used to play with the human subconscious. Once a person enters his subconscious, we can embed specific suggestions in their minds, and make them do things that we ordered.

To facilitate your learning process, visit the tutorial videos are also following hypnosis.
Video Tutorial Hypnosis
Guidelines how to do hypnosis, including some videos to hypnotize yourself to be better.
Need to Know:
- Hypnotize (especially the "extreme hypnotist" as is often done Romi Rafael) will only be successful if the object (volunteers) willing to be hypnotized.

- Nature of the human mind is divided into two, namely the conscious mind (conscious mind) and subconscious (unconscious mind). Hypnotic goal is to make the volunteers are in their subconscious. The situation after the volunteers do various things in the unconscious influence of so-called "trans".


1. Confidence
Before performing the hypnosis, you must truly believe and trust that you are able to hypnotize others. Convince yourself that you are a great hypnotist. Without confidence, hypnosis that you do is doomed to fail.

2. Rhythm
Customize your sound with the rhythm of breathing rate of the volunteers. This can be done by observing the movement of the diaphragm cavity when the volunteers breathed. The most appropriate time to bring the volunteers into their subconscious is when they breathed sedan (as is often done by Romi Rafael).
Usually, if the hypnotist is running successfully, tempo and rhythm of the breath of the volunteers became slower. At that time, slow the tempo and rhythm of your speech according to the rhythm of the breath of the volunteers.

3. Tone of Voice
There are two kinds of voice tones that can be used in hypnosis.

a. Monotonous tone of voice
This method is often used by Romi Rafael. His tone is monotonous tone of voice is flat and tend to the same from beginning to end, with the use of the word constantly repeated. The purpose of using monotone voice is so conscious of the volunteers felt bored, so he is more easily into the subconscious.

b. Voice Tone Wavy
Tone of voice used is the tone of voice rising and falling, weak-strong, low-high. Executors hypnosis will first talk in a low tone, then the rising up to bring the volunteers into a state of "trance".

Please select one tone of voice that suits your personality. Choose the most convenient and comfortable as you say.

4. Bring the volunteers into the subconscious

First, tell the volunteers to perform a routine, eg 'Count from 1 to 10, each count will get you into your subconscious. "
Or "Take a deep breath ... and exhale".
Or ask "Who is your name?"

In the midst of that process, shaking his hand, face-to-eye, and do something surprising that he quickly entered his subconscious. Something of a surprise, among others:

-. Jerk handshake
-. Lifted her wrist to the top
-. Snapping your fingers to the forehead of volunteers

Remember, when doing these things, still maintain eye contact with the volunteers. After that, for the volunteers to do the things that you ordered with hypnotic sentences.

5. Sentences Hypnotize
Hypnotic sentences should be pronounced smoothly, without words like "uh ..."," mmm .. "," uh ...", and so on. The sentence is the sentence command hypnosis is usually suggestive pitched, short, dense, and uttered repeatedly.

Example sentence hypnosis:
The first thing you should do is ......
Make yourself comfortable .....
Sit in a chair with both hands on your thighs ....
Once you feel comfortable .......
Focus your eyes to a point .....
well ......
Aim your eyes to this point .......
Your eyes will be heavier ......
The more weight .....
And you will fall asleep ......

(........) Indicate you should give pause before heading to the next sentence.

You are now in a beautiful beachfront ...
Very beautiful ....
And will become more beautiful ......
You will see the waves and foam ....
A breeze ...
A shady coconut tree .....
Feel it all .....
Experience with all your senses .....
Go into the water .....
Feel the cold ....
Use your hands to swim through the ocean ....
etc. .... etc. ....

To revive the volunteers, you can use the following sentence:

You will see a boat ....
Ready to take you to leave this beach ...
But you will know ....
All the beautiful memory of this beach will remain in your mind ....
Composure ....
Shade ...
So ....
Get on the boat .......
And you will find a message written on the boat ...
Begin counting from 1 to 10 .....
And each count aakan bring you to leave the unconscious ...
And return to consciousness ....
etc. ... etc. ...

To remember, tempo, rhythm, tone, and volume when the sentence should be consistent hypnotic.

Click here for learning hypnosis

Friday, December 9, 2011

Learning how to hypnotize, hypnosis secrets, how to control people's minds

1. go into a room or your bedroom and turn off the light until dark. other requirements there should be no noisy suara2 eg TV etc. try to do this when the atmosphere is very quiet. maybe when everyone else is asleep.
2. make sure that your target will influence who is in a state of mind is also calm, and better yet if he was tertidur.kita would easily call sukmanya come.
3. sit cross-legged in a dark room, closing your eyes. alone with no one's room was. Concentrate your mind only to people who like to target. nah this is a high level of concentration required. you should be able to present the figure of people so that they will be there diruangan seakan2 TSB with you.
4. you do not feel like being in the room again. forget! skrg forget if you're sitting within a room ...concentrate only on the target. imagine sitarget.tubuhnya advance. and to present him in front of you when it's through your mind.
5. sign if you are already presenting benar2 the TSB is when you no longer feel in that room. moment you will feel that they're in a place somewhere. may diawang awang times yes like sy ever felt. Your room will be gone shortly anda.tubuh meets these demands in mind seemed to be in a place with sitarget mysterious influence that will last you.
6. This is proof that means your soul and she had met another dialam.
7. when the shadow of the man was obviously in front of you (like he was just like real life squad berhadap2an) well here is your chance to whisper TSB ketelinganya all your requests. org should say hi kepaadanya met, then immediately right ear whisper (you also raised a hand beside his mouth like a whisper and look for org's ear position).whisper softly what you want him to do the next day.
8. when you finish your message, say your goodbyes. then promptly return your consciousness. perlahan2 open your eyes again.
actually if you want to practice, look for the closest any org who have a spiritual bond with our mothers we snediri for example, is usually easier Because we are also more easily nominated for his face.

Click here for learning hypnosis

Children Hypnotizing Ways to Increase Learning Achievement

You know, with hypnosis, you can help your child to appear more confident, more calm, more disciplined and able to master fear and can also increase learning achievement in school.

How to hypnotize the children of course different from the adult hypnotic way. Here is a lesson to remember the beginning of the area that can be used for the suggestion that the Sub-Conscious Alpha and Theta. And language that can be used anyway, using a language understood by the children of the language used should be gentle and loving.

The right time to begin to hypnotize our children is when they are sleeping that is the Delta region, and our job is to lead them to enter the Alpha or Theta is by way of inviting them to speak like the following example:

Hello dear .. (stroking her hair) yes good night's sleep, my dear Papa or Mama Nina (replace with your child's name).

Nina's not the same dear Papa, Papa boy deh clever, diligent, make dear Papa added together Nina, Nina dear Papa too right (say over and over until there was no response from the child, usually with a nod or greeting vague).

If you have no response then we enter the main sugerti Nina is such a smart deh come home from school if definitely read again the lesson that was learned in school and continue PRnya well made​​, just kids deh Papa diligent studies.

If ya listen to Nina's school given the same lesson that the teacher let Nina and later added a smart home lesson is repeated again yes.

Papa was a smart child deh. Just the same dear Papa Nina (suggestion is repeated). Sleep well yes dear, yes good night's sleep, tomorrow must be more diligent in learning Nina.

Hypnosis must often be done every night in order to place the anchor of suggestion is so firmly planted in his subconscious, semangkin often done better.

Click here for learning hypnosis

Actually what hypnosis ?

Hypnosis has many meanings, depending on the context of the conversation. Even if we speak with a hypnosis practitioner who actually use hypnosis for positive purposes only, eg for mental & emotional therapy, then surely the definition of hypnosis would be a lengthy, highly scientific and technical.

They also must resist violently if the evil hypnotist called a "hypnotic" as well! Yet here we are not about to argue, but want to look for explanations that will finally make us really be able to avoid what is commonly known today as "evil hypnotist"!

In layman's language can be said that hypnosis is a skill to "insert" kediri message someone, so that the concerned will be moved or motivated to carry out the intended message. What is meant by the message is a series of verbal sentences (sentences spoken verbally) that will "go" to the receiver through the ear and then will enter the "heart", then "heart" is to be moved to do something that is intended by the parties conducting the hypnotic .

So simply, hypnosis Criminals have the skills to enter a message to the "heart" you, so your heart then "move" you, say: give money, or maybe give your honor! Was that easy? Of course not, because your heart is certainly guarded by many aspects of yourself! Do not be too scared or even paranoid, because the real man is a creature so perfect! We just need to understand the mechanism.

In the knowledge of modern hypnosis, which meant "heart" this is something called the "subconscious mind", a place where our motivation is energy, including motivas iuntuk doing something that might be expected by the Criminals hypnosis.

Secaranormal, the human subconscious mind has a "gate" that can be open or closed, by a mechanism controlled by a variety of things. When the gate is open, of course, information or advice will go in easily, otherwise when closed then the information will not be able to enter our subconscious mind. In everyday life we ​​often just have to "open" the gates of the subconscious, especially to include important information, eg science. However, it is also possible that we just inadvertently "open" the gate is for negative or adverse information we!

Well, the villain of this hypnosis understand how to "unlock" your gate, without you realizing that the next they will "send" a negative or detrimental suggestion!

Click here for learning hypnosis